
Showing posts from 2008

Religious and Political Violence in India

Violence Violence and aggression may be committed for a variety of reasons because as per Freudian or psychoanalytic theory aggression is prevalent in human being because rather than killing ourselves we redirect our self-destructive impulses toward others. Catharsis theory of Karl Lorenz (1966) holds that built-up aggressive energy needs to be released sometimes. John Dollard (1939) proposed the frustration-aggression hypothesis , which holds that aggression is an automatic response to any blocking of goal-directed behavior. Biological factors lay emphasis on the significance of early life experiences, such as -- birth trauma; alcohol or drug ingestion by the mother while pregnant; other prenatal dietary deficiencies; traumatic head injury via abuse or accident; and exposure to toxic materials such as lead or cadmium as a child. Feeling, and behaving from early life experiences, glamorization of violence in TV, games, sports, music, and art; hostile attribution bias, stre

Women self help groups from rags to riches

The adage sticks tied together cannot be easily broken seems to be the driving spirit behind women’s unity for forming self help groups to deal with social and economic problems that particularly engulf the rural areas. In India, Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) were initiated by NABARD (National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development), with the support of local NGOs. Women's groups are well organized. They have annual elections for leadership posts such as chairperson, treasurer, and secretary. There are by-laws and constitutions that govern most of these groups. By forming SHGs women are generating income during off-season to support their families. Why is there a need to organize women into self-help groups? Women self help groups came into existence to promote savings- and credit activities, and engage women of the groups in production units. The rational was that savings and credit activities and promotion of income generating activities will bring economic prosperity and inde

Chhattisgarh surging ahead on the path of industrialization

Chhattisgarh, which was carved out as a new State from the erstwhile State of Madhya Pradesh in the year 2000 is not only rich in diversified tribal culture but also has a reserve of mineral resources in abundance. The State has four favourable factors for industrial growth and agriculture productivity-land, labour, power and water. This nascent State has peaceful people, political stability, good infrastructure, power and perennial rivers. The State, which boasts of rich reserve of iron ore, bauxite mines, coal and precious gems of international quality, is drawing attention of global community. A favourable industrial climate has developed leading to rapid industrialization in the newly formed State of Chhattisgarh. With the rich mineral resources, new industrial policy and concerted efforts of the State Government to provide best facilities to the industries, the flow of investment coming to the country has percolated down to Chhattisgarh. The pace of industrialization received a fi

Mineral Resources to transform the fate of Chhattisgarh

Chhattisgarh is rich in natural and mineral resources, not only forests of the State are replete with precious herbal and medicinal plants but mineral resources of the State has the potential to transform it as a global economic power. Chhattisgarh has huge stocks of coal, bauxite, iron ore and 28 types of minerals are found in the State. Existence of high quality kimberlitic pipes (diamond) has been traced in the State. Chhattisgarh ranks second in terms of mineral production in the nation. 23 pc of the iron ore deposits of the nation exists in Chhattisgarh and Chhattisgarh is among three prominent coal producing states of the nation along with Jharkhand and Orissa. Realizing importance of minerals resources in industrialization of a state and nation Dr. Raman Singh's government set the pace for rapid industrialization of Chhattisgarh. The state government has ensured numerous concessions for investors in the New Industrial Policy 2004-09. As per Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum