
Showing posts from June 1, 2008

Religious and Political Violence in India

Violence Violence and aggression may be committed for a variety of reasons because as per Freudian or psychoanalytic theory aggression is prevalent in human being because rather than killing ourselves we redirect our self-destructive impulses toward others. Catharsis theory of Karl Lorenz (1966) holds that built-up aggressive energy needs to be released sometimes. John Dollard (1939) proposed the frustration-aggression hypothesis , which holds that aggression is an automatic response to any blocking of goal-directed behavior. Biological factors lay emphasis on the significance of early life experiences, such as -- birth trauma; alcohol or drug ingestion by the mother while pregnant; other prenatal dietary deficiencies; traumatic head injury via abuse or accident; and exposure to toxic materials such as lead or cadmium as a child. Feeling, and behaving from early life experiences, glamorization of violence in TV, games, sports, music, and art; hostile attribution bias, stre